Monday, January 5, 2015

Winter Break

Over winter break, I decided to explore black&white photography and how photoshop can aid in the process of creating a black&white image. I wasn't focusing as much on the content of the image as much as exploring and increasing my understanding of the tools such as levels, curves, and contrast in photoshop. I discovered how the curves tool in photoshop gives me more control of the amounts of black, white, and gray in the image. The images I shot were for the most part abstract. I chose to shoot images of condensation on a window, which is somewhat of a basic idea, but I knew that there would be more to work with in photoshop because of the reflective property that water has. Also the shadow the came from the window created a gradient. I also shot pictures of plants and trees to do the same process.

I also explored the settings of fast shutter speed. While on the way back form my aunt's house, I sat in the passengers seat to take pictures while in motion.

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